My personal view as a Singaporean...

I have the priviledge of resting for about 2 weeks right after my internship which started off in July before I go back to my real "workerland". I take these 2 weeks to think through my life, my previous jobs, my achievement. I am glad that my path are a little different from the norm.

A normal path for a Singaporean would be to pass and get your PSLE cert, enrol into a secondary school and pass the 'N' or 'O' Level, after which you proceed to either ITE, Polytechnic or JC for higher tertiary education and after this stage, for those who choose the path of ITE, they can either apply for enrolment into a local polytechnic (provided you have high GPA, everything in Singapore is about showing results, in numbers), or to further their studies in a private school with expensive school fees. As for those who have chosen to go Polytechnic or JC, they can enrol into a local universities (again, proven with good results, in numbers) or a private school.

My path, of course I've got a PSLE cert of an aggregate of 154, went into a brand new neighbourhood school because my points were so low that I will only be offered Normal Technical class if I were to go to those established secondary school (by this, I do not mean those atas sch ah, but schs that are in your neighbourhood for quite some time) and thus, in this brand new school, I was offered a Normal Acad stream. Till now, I still do feel proud been a first batch student of my secondary school. There are alot of "priviledges" been in the first batch students. We are always the one testing out new stuff, for instance, punishment. Punishment was harsh then, not by physical, but by asking to stay back in sch till 6pm was torturing. I remember this punishment are for those who are rude to teachers, who did not bring textbook or did not do their hmwork. Timing was from 3pm to 6pm. In these 3 hours, we are not suppose to talk to each other (Whoever is in the punishment. In computer lab) and we can only do our homework. The whole first batch students, in fact, the whole school, was involved in the opening ceremony of the school. I remembered we are given the priviledge of not attending classes if there are rehearsals during lessons. As it was the first opening ceremony, it is important to the school and having us to "officially" skip classes really do hype us alot. Ok, I have to stop talking about my secondary school if not I can go on a real long lengthy stories of my life in sec sch. I got 'N' Level in 2002 and I am glad I got a total of 7 points (A2 for MT, A2 for Comb Humanities - SS & Hist and B3 for my D&T) which allows me to get promoted up to Sec 5 so as to take my O Levels. My worst nightmare come when I took my O Level in the year of 2003, I wasn't prepared AT ALL and did not put in effort, and due to these, I failed my O Level badly. I remembered I cried as I see my bestie passed and I have nowhere to go (it seems that way because my parents was supportive of me going to ITE and lets face the fact, ITE wasnt that good at that time). So I approached the principal, and ask if I can retake in the school. Together with the other 2 of my batch students, our principal accepted the 3 of us. Till today, I am gladful to him for making this decision in taking me in. So in the year of 2004, AT LAST, I passed, not with flying colours but at least I made it to RP. My GPA wasnt that fantastic. It was a just pass grade, thus entering local university is impossible at all. I started working in the year of 2008 and in year 2009, as Singaporean, you know Diploma is NEVER ENOUGH and not enough to bring you further, I decided to take up a degree and thus choosing UniSim as my sch due to their flexibility. I am graduating in this coming Decemeber 2012 (if everything goes smoothly).

So above is my path... What about yours?

I know money plays a part in every path we choose to take. Since I started working in 2008, I haven really take a break at all. Those who comes from a higher middle class families or rich families do allow their child to take a month or 2 to break after years of studying. I do not have such priviledge and thus, work and money comes to my mind even before I graduate from RP. I remembered I start sending in my resume in Jan 2008 where my graduation ceremony is in Apr 2008. In Singapore, majority of us cant have a laidback life. I am not referring to been lazy or not doing anything, but we cant do things at our pace or at a slower pace. In Singapore, no money really no talk.

Singapore is a small dot but its a city full of energy and chances dont come easy. So we work and chiong almost everyday, just to get promotion or pay rise but we miss out alot of things in life. For instance, I miss out alot of times to spend with my family. My job is a shift job, I do get 2 days break but its one on weekdays and one on weekend. I miss out how my parents have grown old thru the years of my life. I miss out what is SLOW in life. Too many misses...

Singapore are equipped with many stuff. Chances dont come easy to us but they are there for u to grab lor. Maybe there is only a chance but there are about 200 people grabbing it.

I do love Singapore because I am in my comfort zone but if I am given a chance, I would want to step out of Singapore and live my life in a slower pace. We only live once, there are no 2nd chance for us to live our life again (dont talk about reincarnation laaaa).

My views....


Cedric Sia said…
Hmm, my path is PSLE -> 'O' Levelo -> 'A' Level -> NS -> NUS(Degree) -> Work -> Work...

Very straight and planned as what the govt wants lo... lol...

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