
I was really super sad when I heard from my brother that John had died. He is my brother's friend since secondary school.

My impression of him is strong because he is really the second, or perhaps I should say, that few who will address me as Jie Jie. And the way he address me is not the sake of doing so, but its like real Jie Jie. While typing this my tears has already well up.

I find it a pity that at such a young age (19 years old), he died without really living a life. I heard from my brother that although he is the only child at home, his parents make him sleep in the toilet, his parents are always asking him for money, which was why there was a time where he wanted to suicide, my brother was there and decided to help him by lending him $100. Until now, he still havent return the money, nor will he be able to return the money because he is going to become ashes tomorrow.

You know, its like... He is totally like a little brother to me. Sometimes when I talk to him, I would just ask random questions like how is his life, and he would always say ok ah.

The reason of his death, well, I dont think I am able to say it here, but at his age, I guess u guys probably will know how he die (not gang fight or traffic accident).

His parents is really one of a kind where they are so "pang tang" to bring his body back. They decided to leave him at their cousin's house. My heart simply just feel "sour" (wrenched) when I heard this. What kind of parents are they? Now he is already dead and all the parents have to do is just to settle his funeral, the parents dont even want to bother. What has this society becomes?

I sincerely hope that whereever he is right now, he will be free from problems and may his soul rest in peace.

John, Jie Jie really will miss you and would pray for you to have peace at whenever you are at right now.


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