First day of 2011!!

Yeah, first day of Year 2011 is just a normal day for me. Slept till 3pm, wake up and had my brunch. Slacked at home till 5pm plus and out of a sudden, I think it was my sitting posture, I sprained my neck. I am still having problem turning to my right now. The pain in the neck near the shoulder is really irritating. I seriously dont know whats wrong with my body. I am not sure if my dislocation in the shoulder results me of having backache, especially on the right. Had my afternoon nap from 6pm plus till 8pm, went out and had dinner with family.

Oh, and now thanks to SCV, we have got free channels to watch so at least it is not that boring. 2010 passed so fast.. Now is 2011. What is my resolution? Ok for once, I am seriously going to take my license and pass. 2nd is to slim down and cut my blardy hair with a new hairstyle. 3rd is to study well and pass. 4th is to change a new job.

Okay, I have only got 4 resolution, not greedy right? Hahahahaha.

Happy 2011!!


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