My current hook up love!

Isnt she BEAUTIFUL?? Omgosh! Its Lumix GF1!!! Seriously, I feel like buying this camera. I simply love the outcome of the picture!! Hmm, lets wait for the IT fair to come in March. Hopefully it doesnt sell really expensive!!!

I wanna get a Itouch but then Apple only has 8GB, 32GB or 64GB. They do not manufacture 16GB anymore, so yeah... HOW? Should I get the 8Gb or 32GB?

Ok, GF1, I will try my very best to buy you ok!!!!

Well, went out with Shirley and her family yesterday to Singapore Flyer and Singapore Boat ride (both my first time riding it). It was really fun lar! I guess all of us enjoyed.

School has started for me and IT WAS SO SHOCK THAT I AM SAME CLASS AS NISHA, MY POLY MATES!!! And we are going to be in same class for 1 semester. HAHAHAHA, so happy you know!

Anyway, my report submission is on 12 and 13 of Feb. I left like less than 2 weeks to finish it!! Argh. Well, I need to go now and read up more on my Sociology. Sian!


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