Miss Congeniality!! and some thoughts related to Priortizing!

Hahaha, I am alone at home the whole day. Never go out cos with the still injured sprained left ankle, moving around is tough and worst, I walk like one old man. Mum was at my aunt's place playing mahjong the whole day. My father and brother came back home for 20 mins to bath and then went out again. Watch Miss Congeniality I & II.

Its really nice to be alone at home, especially after a week of work and crap you faced in the office, it gives me time to think and reflect. Not those very serious reflection lah, but at least you have the time for yourself to think properly what do we want. It also give me time to think of what should I priortize in my life. I am glad to see my cpf amount growing big. HAHAHA, I know it is a MUST to deposit our 20% salary into the account, but then, when you see it growing, I realise that my target of buying a house is damm near and rent it out to earn money. Well, property is a must to have in our lives.

Prioritizing is important, so that you will know what is important. For instance, I have to pay my 2 mths phone bill ($300). You guys should know that we can actually pay bit by bit (like $30 per mth?) to clear off the debt, and by doing this so, you can have more money to spend whatever you wanna buy BUT you are going to be in debt for months and the amount will always grow by accumulating. Worst, I JUST GOT MY DECEMBER PAY. Hai, damm not stable in my organisation. I guess I been through really too much in my life. My life is really dramatic and I think if I were to become a director, I will film my story down. Hahaha. Pardon me for saying this, but its the fact that how much you read or gain knowledge from the society and the amount of qualification you have does affect your maturity in thinking. Some appeared to be mature, but then when you realise they did something stoopid, it really proven what I said. I am not looking down on people, I dont look down on people unless they give themselves up for certain stoopid reasons and uses all the reasons they had for this particular incident to do something stoopid in life; and I realise this from the friends/families around me. I guess I know why my best friends are Shirley and Lishan because we come from the same family background with same goals, same thinking, same way of prioritizing our stuff in our lives. (Right or not, SBK?) I know long ago that why I never click with my relative on my father's side. There is no right or wrong answers in what you want to priortize but is it feasible to priortize certain things (like setting target to go Taiwan by June) where there are much more things you need to priortize (paying bills, get a better life by finding a job and give comfort to family)?

Okok, I know I sound like an old lady but I believe majority of you guys will agree with me. The least you can do for your parents is to priortize them first in everything thing you wanna do. Think before you act. The amount of time, energy and money you need to spend on others, why not on family or some meaningful stuff? Chey!!! I am damm family oriented. Who wanna marry me?? HAHAHAHA, joking lar.

Looking at those poor who need help, I really want to help not just in terms of monetary, but physically, to do something for them. I dont know where to find all these channels to allow me to help them.

Oh, a female teacher actually gave me roses, not just 1 stalk, but 9 of them in a bouquet and for the first time, I went KTV with my brother and they are so nice to give us a big big room. It is seriously a big room lor. Just wanna make him feel better despite his failure in O lvls. Nvm, ITE is not a bad choice!

Today my brother told me something shocking. Its quite irritating to know this when my brother told me. I just dont like the feeling of been stalked (and I mean real stalking) and they dig out the past, bringing back those unncessary thoughts, esp to my brother. If I can, I would really hope to be there and shut the man up with 2 tight slaps.

Well, its going to be another boring Sunday tmr. I am doing claims now so that all of us can have pay. Anyway, if you guys were to find job next time, PLEASE, DONT GO AND FIND ORGANISATION's job. website that ends with .org are normally non profit and you will end up like me, getting December pay in mid Jan.

Take care my friends. I miss my niece leh..


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