
I don't really like to have time for myself because I tend to think very far, very deep, of course, the thoughts that I have is true and it summarises my thoughts.

A thought that I remember for today is "when one is very focus on one thing, they will tend to overlook many other small little things which was once important to them. Its a vicious cycle.".

Well, if you think properly, its true. When I am focus on my school or work, I tend to overlook my family, my friends. I come across one recently whom is doing this now. If something happens, the "one" will come back to you again, where you are once important to them.

Aiya, I am saddist. Lol, I am going to become a social worker, how can I have such thoughts!

Oh, I am on my chiong mode now. Left 2 more days before my last submission of the report. Well, sometimes I also wonder why I have this kind of thoughts.

Alright, time to chiong for report!

I miss my grandma, badly.


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