
Ever since my schools starts in July till now, hmm, yes, I do feel a little bit tired, especially when I need to go for lessons after work. Finally, my social work and psychology lessons have ended! No more lectures or tutorial, but I sincerely thank the lecturers and tutors for also taking the time to teach us right after their work, and to be frank, their lessons are very enriching and fun to attend, unlike some other lecturers or tutors, who just teach for the sake of teaching.

I still have a project which I need to submit on 28th October, and exams in 9th Nov. Well, time to chiong for these 2 subjects. I realise the friends I make during uni are friends whom we only say hi and bye. It makes it as if uni life is really boring.

My project in work is killing me. Me and my colleague are really trying our best to make sure it goes smoothly. I seriously want the project to end well, instead of complains and police report and blames.

Well, I open another blog, Come and support by reading or give me feedbacks lah. I do not have the time to update yet. Perhaps after my exam I will start blogging about it. Well, take care peeps. Try not to miss me ok. HAHAHAHA.


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