
It has been a week ever since I started my degree in Unisim. Well, when I tell my friends on how shy I am in new environment, non of them believe me. I appear to be damm thick skin because you guys are my friends mah.

Well, its really pathetic that the fact we go to class for the sake of degree and just to make sure we pass. Its also sad to see how people pack their bag up so fast and the moment it strike 10pm, even though the lecturer or tutor haven't finish what he/she wanted to say, they just wanna leave and no byes. Its also sad to see that during our break, no one talk to each other, everyone is on their phone, talking to someone.

The saddest part is to see few matured people in my class, where its hard for me to click with them because the fact that I am 22 years old. Discussion was not done in RP manner, but it was really those kinda I MUST WIN or MY POINTS MUST BE MENTION! Aiyo, we are taking degree in Social Work leh, cant it be more relax?

Well, one good thing about this semester is, I DO NOT HAVE EXAMS but I got tonnes of reports with tight deadline need to submit on time. I got 2 reports due in 12 and 16 of August even though the fact is that I just started my first lesson on 20th July.

Now when I see those that got into NUS or NTU, I am envious. Working and studying is really not my cup of tea. I cant concentrate well at night. Imagine, I BUY MY VOICE RECORDER for the sake of recording what the lecturer or tutor said in class.

3 years of half uni life, how can I survive?

Well, work is also another shit stuff that I need to handle. Now I seriously hope that the new project ends faster and get my bonus and if possible, with variables.

I hope I can have more time for my photography, more time to rest and also to pamper myself more. Aiya, in another words, I just hope money to fall from skies. Hahahahhaha, dreaming again.

Alright peeps, those whom I haven't seen for a long time, its time to meet me up ok. HEEHEE. Tata~


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