Hi, I am back!!

Hi, I am back!!! Hahaha, no lar, I am always here. Anyway, this picture just look exactly like me saying HI to you guys.

Well, AT LAST, FINALLY, I WATCHED TRANSFORMER 2!!!! So nice lor. I am having some throat pain now. My mum got fever plus throat pain, I really tht it was that H1N1, given that my job is totally related to hygiene issues. I am so worried but then DONT WORRY GUYS, I NV DEVELOP ANY FEVER!!!
Went Vittles with Joey and Xiao Wei on last Saturday. I guess they both love the place (hopefully). Joey was looking into going back to the place again for some beer. Its good! I love going out with friends, especially those close ones.
Anyway, attend my primary-secondary school friend's wedding. Suddenly, at the age of 22 (to be exact according to birthdate), I received and heard so so so so so many people getting married. They are either my primary or secondary school mates. And of course, naturally, those who are engaged or married will tend to ask this MUST-ASK question "WHEN ARE YOU GETTING MARRIED?" My main problem is, I DO NOT HAVE A BOYFRIEND, how to get married? Hahaha, and I guess I am super money minded. I would only like to spend my hard earn money all by myself. Hahaha, selfish? But I have got bigger dreams that I wanna fulfill, and that is to tour around the world.
Hmm, maybe not my time yet. BUT BUT BUT, I guess this little boy will be damm handsome when he grew up, perhaps by then I can marry to him. HAHAHAHAHA.
Bye Peeps!


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