Appeared in TV again...

Yes, I appeared in Channel 8 and Channel U news for the toilet thingy again. Read ba..

新传媒新闻报道,调查显示,在国人眼中,咖啡店里的公厕最肮脏,不过干净清洁的公厕还是有的,本台记者就跟随厕所稽查员,突击被誉为本地最干净的咖啡店厕所。 结果显示,兀兰中心路这家咖啡店的厕所保住了协会颁发的三颗星,或等同于普通水平的卫生评级。 咖啡店比较难超越三星的卫生评级,这是因为使用者不负责任,和缺乏专门清洗厕所的工人。 至今本地三星级的咖啡店厕所只有六间。协会的调查显示,公众认为咖啡店的厕所最肮脏,其次是小贩中心,而最干净的公厕就在医院和政府机关。目前全国约有3万5000间公厕,协会原定明年使其中七成公厕达到三星级,但参与康乐公厕计划的公厕只有大约300间。 新加坡卫浴文化协会计划执行员陈芷彤说,“很少人知道说,新加坡卫浴文化协会有这个康乐厕所计划,教导他们怎么去保持厕所干净,其实我们也没有这个权力去逼他们参加这个计划,我们也不希望说,有反效果出现说,跟你前几个月做得很好,可是后面就开始没有保持干净。”

The video link is here.
Well, once again, my face... Hahahaha, seriously people, I dont really enjoy exposing myself so much ah but bo bian... Weekend is here and once again, I AM GONNA REST UNTIL I HAPPY.

Tell u guys something funny (maybe not funny to u, but to me, it is). I didnt go to office today because the filming crew plus the reporter wanted to meet at 12pm, Woodlands Centre. It also happen that I need to give a talk at North-West RO about the toilet hygiene and etc at 2.30pm. Since the timing are so tight and my office is located at Balestier, I decided not to go to office but to stay at hm and have more rest (by slping more).

So what happened is, you guys know that now Mas Selamat has been caught right? So at first, the reporter msg me and say that they wont like to postpone the filming to a later date but then it decided to stay on again and film it. I get to read the msg because I wanted to wake up and pee, if not I will not read the msg. So right after I saw this msg right, I reply OK to the reporter and call my abu (she ask me to call her once i wake up). So when I call her, she say:"You are still slping ah?", I say:"Yes, still slping. What happened?" Then she talk talk talk but because I blur lah, so I nv really understand what I was telling her and what is she trying to say.

So after the whole filming, I called her again and she say:"You know this morning the reporter call me and say cannot get thru you, I tell him that you CONFIRM STILL SLEEPING." Wah, when i heard this ah, I am so malu... I mean, she really tell the reporter this and no wonder the reporter keep saying sorry to me.

Aiyo, make me so pai seh. Hahaha, anyway, ok lah, not funny. Just to share with u how cute Abu can be, sometimes... Hehehe, alright people, dont miss me.. Take care hor!! Recently bad weather.


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