Airport...AND I got interviewed again...

Went airport with Joey on Sunday at freaking 11am. Had Yakun for breakfast plus popeye's mashed potato. Seriously Joey, why must we go till Changi Airport to had our Yakun.. Shld have insist to go Popeye and settle the breakfast. Haha, but with me around, our mouth can never be stop (I mean, chewing). So after the mashed potato, we went to walked around in T3 and explore the engineering side of that airport, which is well-known for using natural sunlight to brighten up the place. Well, nothing much fanciful but then I shot quite a few pictures with my A200. Hehe, share it with you guys in the next entry.

So after visiting and walking around in T3, we took skytrain to T1's viewing mall and then to our surprise, the viewing mall got shrinked into half, or I shld say lesser than half of the area of the original viewing mall.

Sitting down, slacking, snapping, chit chat, see planes, see bricks and metal bar (cos renovating), listen to children's screaming and crying, looking at those kids running ard in the viewing mall.. Thats what we did. Its boring lah but I enjoy this kinda life. I think I need some quiet time, TOTALLY WITHOUT TOILET'S DISTURBANCE.

So after all these slacking, off we went to Sakae sushi.. Really ate alot that day, I seriously dunno how we survived. I really can feel that my pant's hook almost really just gonna fly out. Hahaha, but heng, never!! Abo jin pai seh.

Something happened today.. Abu had a deal with me. If I can meet her for breakfast at 7.45am sharp, she will pay for my food. Well, true enough, I reach before 7.45am because I took a cab down and she is really JUST LIKE MY MOTHER. When she passed me her $5 from her wallet, that sudden "pass" got the mother feeling. Hahaha, really had a nice boss. Anyway, enjoy having breakfast with her and of course it goes with some of my lame jokes plus some sharing of stuff to old woman. Hehehe, theres lots of things she do not know so I always share with her and she will go "ISIT????". Hahahah, cute Abu I got.

Another thing happened today too. Was almost ready to pack up my stuff in the office and go home (plus meeting Lishan), suddenly office phone ring and thus my admin pick it up and then she pass it to my colleague. Halfway thru, I heard my name been mentioned and then the phone was passed to me. Pls guess who is on the line??

ITS FREAKING XIN MIN NEWSPAPER REPORTER... Wah lao, I tio interviewed again and this time it is thru phone. To be frank, I am afraid of media. Of course, if you know how to use the media well, they are really a useful "tool" to you, but if you DO NOT KNOW HOW TO USE IT WELL, media can turn and hit you like bullets. By then, when you realise that you need a shield to protect yourself will be too late. This reporter asked me lots of questions which I go ERRRRRRR very long. Perhaps it will appear in tmr's paper. Take note ba...

I hope no more interviews, no more filming, no more of me going to the media ANYMORE!! Exposing so much is really bad... Hahaha, altho of course I get to know a bunch of really good friends but then... Hai~, dont know how shld I put it...

Anyway, night peeps. Take care.


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