Too much caffeine results to.....

SLEEPLESS NIGHT!!!! Damm, I guess I have taken TOO MUCH, EXTREMELY LOTS of caffeine today. Drank Coffeebean's Ice Blended White Chocolate Dream in the afternoon right after the assessment of Jurong Point's toilet. Met up with Mabel and had Fried Kway Tiow with Teh. So went to library and stayed there for like.... 3 hours? Nerd Mabel suggest to go Starbucks and have a coffee. If you guys know, I am a coffee-lover and so, naturally, I agree. Had Brewed Coffee with Vanilla (but there isn't any taste of vanilla) and the IMMEDIATE EFFECT OF DRINKING TOO MUCH COFFEE IS.........

Damm, I am seriously awake BUT my head is spinning now. Having slight headache and I guess it is because of the caffeine.

Well, my work has always involve lots of shit and urine (true, cos I check basically the whole sg toilet) and this time round, the meeting with councils and govt agencies plus some coffeeshop owners wasn't that great at all. I kena shoot and bombarded with lots of questions which are useful. I guess I didn't prepare well but to be frank, I SERIOUSLY DO NOT KNOW WHAT SHOULD I PREPARE.

Sometimes I wonder, they want to build toilets in their premises, BUT they will said that it is the user's fault who dirty the toilet. I mean, you wanna build it, then take up the responsibility to provide a good clean toilet. I am not saying that non of them are doing anything but its just that, put in a little bit more effort to make the toilet a better and clean place. Talking to them (regardless of who) about toilets are sometimes so tough for me.

Was at Shirley's house few days ago and we decided to watch a dvd to kill the time. Both of us were quite enthu about it then suddenly, the TV screen pop out this reminder. Take a look at below..

Haha, if you guys guess correctly, yeah, the dvd is a....... not very nice to say here ah.. Not porn lah but hor, skali I say here I kena caught. LOL.

Anyway, I hope school starts faster, I got more rest, less workload, better job, better pay, good life.. Take care peeps.


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