To bond or not to bond?

I am now spoilt with choices. I hate to choose. If you guys know me well, when you ask me to choose, I will always say ANYTHING, I AM OK ONE. Read the email below.

Dear Applicants,

We are glad to receive your application to enroll in the Bachelor of Social Work.

As you have read in the papers recently, UniSIM has partnered WDA and National Council of Social Service (NCSS) to offer a Professional Conversion Programme (PCP) to train and convert new entrants into Social Workers to alleviate the manpower shortage in the sector over the next 5 years.

Two programmes are offered by UniSIM under the Collaboration:
§ Graduate Diploma in Social Work (GDSWK) for degree holders (Linked to MSWK page)
§ Accelerated Bachelor of Social Work (BSWK) for non-degree holders (Linked to Accelerated BSWK page)

As this PCP operates on a Place-and-Train mode, you will be employed before training commences. Once your application is approved by UniSIM, NCSS will link you up with participating companies in the social service sector for consideration and interviews. Upon acceptance by an employer, you would be accepted into the PCP.

Students need not pay anything as they are sponsored by their employers and will continue to draw their monthly pay during the duration of the programme. However, please note that the subsidies and other funding support provided for the PCP is only applicable for Singaporeans and PRs. Students must also attain at least 80% attendance throughout the course and successfully complete the course to be eligible for the subsidies.

Please refer to the attached factsheet for more information on the training structure, requirements and minimum service period.

If you would like to be considered for the above PCP scheme using your existing application, please email by 14 April 2009.

For enquiries,
Regarding BSWK – Please call 62489777
Regarding GDSWK - Please call 62489714

School of Human Development and Social Services

Yeah, so after reading it, my first reaction is BOND! I WANT TO BOND! After cooling myself down, reading and thinking it through, I have so many doubts. After calling Unisim up, it makes it worst for me. I dont know what I want. Friends, how? Should I get myself bond for 2 years?

The difference between bond and not bond are:
  • If bond, I must quit my current job, Unisim will help me find a job which is related to social work sector. I only have to work 4 hours per day and lessons are held everyday in the evening. If I choose not to bond, it will be normal like any part time degree, studying 2 times per week and I can stay in my current job.
  • If bond, the degree will only take 2 years to complete but if not bond, it will take 3 years to complete the degree.
  • If bond, I am secured in terms of job and they will pay for my degree course. If not bond, I have to pay 13k myself and I got the freedom to choose what or which sector I wanna join.
  • If bond, I will have 4 years of working experience in social work sector. If not bond, I wont have any experience in this sector. And to be frank, it is important to have experience, especially in this sector.

I discussed with my Abu (boss) and she ask me if I want freedom or security. Seriously, I dont know. My mum ask me not to bond, my friends ask me to bond. I ask myself what exactly I want, I really dont know. I love my current job, I love my abu and colleague (some), I love my pay, I love the freedom, I love the interaction... If I bond, I dont have to think so much about money but I cant choose the location, I cant ask for higher pay. I mean, this is normal if you wanna get bond but with the current situation I am in, I myself dont even know if I am suitable to get bonded.

So how people? Bond or not to bond? Please kindly tell me. I need to reply by next Tuesday.


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