No more off days..

I just finished my off days and was having one whole day "D&T workshop". Hahaha, why "D&T" leh? Cos I am doing certificate for Eastpoint Mall's toilet. The kind of certificate that I am doing is seriously machiam having "D&T" lesson that kind. Ok, please use your imagination now as what I am going to describe need lots and plenty of creative, wild imagination. Hahahahaha...

Imagine a wood (thickness 1 cm, A4 size) with 4 holes drilled at the corner, the certificate (A4 size) and an transparent acrylic (2mm thickness, A4). So now, place the wood on the table, put the certificate on top of the wood and lastly, put the acrylic on top of the certificate. (now, if you can imagine, there are 3 different layers) So, after putting them together, the tedious job comes... I need to BLARDY SCREW THE 4 SIDES WITH BOLT AND NUT USING A SCREWDRIVER. Imagine again, I have got 24 certificates need to do and I HAVEN FINISH DOING IT ok.. I seriously used whole day to do it and left office at 7.30pm yet I still cannot finish it.

Anyway, on a happier side, I LEFT 8 MORE DAYS!!! I mean, left 8 more days to a special + unique + marvellous + ... day.. hahahahahhaha, AHEM!

18 December 2008 is on it way!


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