Getting closer and closer...

Application for the degree in Unisim is getting closer and closer. Its a good thing that I am going back to study but it is also quite a bad thing because this is going to be a part time degree. Coping with studies and work is not my "specialise" area. I hope I am not going to get so stress up.

Christmas are coming and I am waiting for it to come.. Bought and did a super special present for SBK. I hope they will like it.

Dear friends, is there any meet up? LOL.. I know previously I have been rejecting and not turning up for gathering but I misses all of you guys so much lah. Hahahaha.

I was staying at home during the weekend and read up a book that I bought LAST YEAR. Hahaha, I managed to finish reading it and out of a sudden, I FEEL LIKE GOING TO SHANGHAI. I always long to go overseas (not msia) with friends. I guess going overseas with friends is the best thing and the most ever fun thing to do. Hai, but my friends are either attached or married... Targeting to go Taiwan next year.

Anyway, take care peeps. Hope to see all my friends real soon, ESPECIALLY AUNTIE POH HIANG! hahhaha.


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