Thoughts running through my mind...

I think I was watching the History Channel where they talked about End of the World in 2012. If you see the year, and if it is true, we left only 4 years to enjoy life and do what we want. Talking about End of the World in 2012, they said that they derived the answer from Quran and bible because in these both holy books, they talk about things that happened before 2012 (in another words, the earth, or events happened represent symptoms that the Earth is dying) and after all the happenings, what will happen to us. In the show, it seems that whatever that is written in the holy book, it did really happened.

I was together with Shirley yesterday (to see a dog) and I casually asked Shirley this question, "What will happened to me if there is no gravity?". I was really thinking through in my mind, my first reaction is to grab something and hold on to it, make sure I wont fall into the black hole (space). So Shirley replied me saying :"If there is no gravity, then all the things will fall and hit your head. You can never grab anything to hold on." True man...

Today I was reading the chinese newspaper and I come across a news. Japan are able to sort of like "clone" a rat that was dead 18 years ago. They froze the rat and now, they are able to clone it and"revive" the rat. Japanese scientist said that in the new future, we can let the "dead alive". I believe this is going to come very soon. Another news about future... A man in europe wanted a flying car because he is sick and tired been trap in jamms the whole time. So he requested his car to fix wings to float and fly. TRUE ENOUGH, the car is fixed with wings and is able to float and fly. The car cost 200,000 pound.... They (manufacturer) also promised that in the near future (which is like another 2 more years), there will be flying cars which will be super normal for the society.

Its interesting to read but you know that it is going to be a reality soon, I am abit worried. Of course, who doesnt want to have good technology but when things improved at a fast pace speed, it turns out that positive will also create negative effect. I am starting to believe that the Earth is dying soon and by 2050, we will not have fuel/coal/natural resources anymore.

Have been super busy these few days and I hope my dark rings get better. I wanna sleep early but I cant. I hope I do not have any health issues. Have been eating quite alot of fatty stuff.. Haha, take care peeps.


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