My weekend with DVDs..

At last, the weekends are here and I am able to really rest and just simply stay at home, doing things that I like. I bought 3 dvds (Born into Brothels, Phatom of the Opera and Your name is Justine). Out of these 3, I have seen 2 of it but of course, I buy them because it is worth the price I seen and it is nice. Was at Shirley's house in the afternoon. We slacked and watched the "Your name is Justine" dvd. I like this kind of slacking life, hope to have it more soon. Hahaha.

I think I am getting fatter and fatter each day. Again, I meet up with Shirley yesterday for supper at 12.30am. We ordered 2 kosong, 2 egg and 1 roti john. Hahaha, damm, we really can eat. Past week happened so many things that I lost count, or should I say, I totally forget what I do. I've still got things to settle and I haven't do any of it yet.

Upcoming week will be a busy week for me too. I will be at the Suntec Convention Hall on the 5th and 6th of November. If you guys happen to be there, feel free to give me a call and we can go lunch together. Haha.

Take care peeps.


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