Stupid MC

Damm fark, I have to see a doctor to get a MC for the workshop. I didnt go to the workshop today and gosh, I miss my chance of seeing him the last time. Sound pervert? He IS HAM! Nvm, I do hope I will get a picture of him from NEA. Hehehe.

Anyway, about that MC, to my shock, it cost me S$40... Freaking expensive lor. Oh, I am back to gunbound. Hahha, super fun. Shirley, when are you going to play with me? My AhTiang very lonely leh. Hahaha.

I bought a new necklance. Its kinda weird for me to wear that. I wanted to buy a ring to wear but then, it looks super weird because for so many years, ever since I was born, I dont wear a ring. And actually, tell you guys a little secret. I always tell you guys I wont get married right? I said this because when I wear a ring, it doesnt look nice on me and it look weird. I mean, its fated that I wont wear a ring on my finger. Trust me ok...

Tmr have to work. Hopefully my interview on Friday will make me leave my current place. I really always wanted to join govt sector. pray pray pray!!!


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