Reminisce... the 80s and 90s

I am indulging myself in all those reminiscence.. From 80s all the way till recent. I am sorry if I sound as if I am so old (I am only 22 year old, basically still considered 21 cos birthday not over yet) but those days in the past makes me hope that I can go back, just like the current 9pm show, 变奏曲. Jun Jie (by Christopher Lee) manage to go back to those times and change everything that is going to happen. How I wish I can go back too just by throwing one S$1 coin into the pond (its illegal to do so lah). Anyway, who recognises the pond? Can you guys tell me so that I can dive in and take the S$1 coin. I am sure they have alot of NGs so I bet everytime they throw one, I dont think they will dive and take back the coin. Maybe right now in the pond, there are so many coins for me to take lah, at least can become rich for this mth. Hahahah.

Talking about those past, although its over but those memories are still so clear, as if all these just happened yesterday.

  • I remember the days I use phonecard with different kind of pictures printed on it.
  • I remember the days where we use FARECARDS instead of ezlink card. (shown below)

  • I remember those primary school days we are only given 50 cents each day for recess. (To my horror, recently I went to this primary school at west side, the canteen charge a girl with plain rice and egg S$1.10!)
  • I remember the days in primary school where we have school bus to catch in the morning and after school.
  • During recess(pri), we always play catching and each of us sure fall down before and bleed at our kneecap.

  • I remember at age of 10 or before 14, few of us actually went to Orchard before. (right now, it seems so common to the youngster)
  • I remember we got our pager first in 1999 or 2000 and subsequently in 2000 or 2001, Nokia launch its 3210 handphone. Although in the 80s and 90s we have this bulky handphone produced by Motorola (see below, manufactured in 1983) but seldom uses it. Take a look at the pager our dad uses before. Remember?

  • I remember those days where we look nerd in those big spects.

I can only remember these few. Any of you guys got some other 80s or 90s stuff? Just tag my blog and we discuss together ok. Hahah.

If life is all round, and I can go back anytime I want, I guess it would be a bless man. To be able to see someone you missed alot. To get to know somebody's life on how they live in their past (like someone whom I wanted to know badly!). To see what the individuals do during their free time. To take a look at my teachers in primary school (one old chinese male teacher passed away). To do.... ALOT OF THINGS!

Sooner or later, we will have floating cars (Shanghai have floating magnetic train), flying man and woman (attach to some flying engine lah), working at home (but office hours), phoneless (some scientist implant those chips beside human's and uses brain wave. It works!), able to fly to other planet and visit them just like us going to zoo to see animals (it will be routine as if we take train to work daily and charges will be cheap for sure!), maybe some super heros might really appear??? Who knows man but one thing for sure is, THE FUTURE WILL BE EXCITING AND CHALLENGING FOR US TO TAKE IT.


Bye peeps.


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