Stressed! Secured yet lost.

Jobs, just where are you? Why are you hiding from me? Am I asking alot from jobs? All I want is to work on something that I like and all I need is a yes from those companies where I interviewed before.

My life now is not just work, FREAKING SOMEBODY THREATEN ME. I seriously hope to chop this person up. I really want. Do not get a shock but I have always putting myself in a picture whereby I am holding onto a chopper, running towards that BLARDY FUCKING PERSON and chop the person up. I do not allow people to just come and bully my family, especially mum. Fuck this person.

My life is already in a mess yet this fucking person come at the wrong time. If one day you guys see me in newspaper reports regarding about me chopping people, do not get a shock because one day, if that fucking person come, I WILL REALLY TAKE A KNIFE AND KILL IT. I am not bloody, I am not crazy, I am not talking nonsense, I am not saying it for fun, I am not stupid, BUT I will never want this thing to happen to my family.

I have been thinking, am I so unlucky? There are SO SO SO MANY Singaporeans or humans out there and yet I need to go through all these ordeal/suffering/karma.

All I heard from my mum daily is money money money, my dad is like swindling his money away and never give my mum money. I have been squeezing out all my money just to give my mum. Sometimes, I really wanna give up. Give up my life, give up this family, give up everything around me...

I am tired... I got jobs offer but seriously, sucks. I am waiting for nothing. For empty things... Can I just waste my time by staring at the sky?

I am tired... FRIENDS, PLS BE THERE FOR ME WHEN I NEED YOU GUYS. REALLY, I am going crazy soon.


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