Jobs, Interview, Wait, Work...

I am now in the process of finding jobs, attending interview and wait for their replies.

DARN THOSE COMPANIES WHO INTERVIEWED ME.. Why cant they just inform back to me that I never get the position. Because of these irresponsible people, I pushed off my cousin's company offer, I waited all day at home today.

I actually should have an interview today and seriously, the job scope is what I always wanted, then this lady message me last night, saying that there is a need to re-confirm the time again but she doesn't know when she will be in the office. UNTIL NOW, SHE NEVER MESSAGE ME NOR CALL ME. I mean, you are the one who asked for a change of time, cant you be more responsible? Because of her, I STAYED AT HOME THE WHOLE DAY, WAS WAITING LIKE AN IDIOT FOR HER MSG. Darn those people...

I am getting so irritated of going to interviews, waiting for replies.. IF I am gonna work in a HR dept, I WILL RE-ASSURE that I will call those people who did not get the job. Its really wasting my time just to wait for answers.



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