Picture of me in graduation gown.

Aiyo, I graduate leh.

Next Tuesday will be a new start for me.

New company, new colleague...








If you guys research on the position of Software Engineer, it is kind of like programmer. DEAD lor. NVM, I am a survivor! Lol.

Ok, see the pics.

With Jian Wei (above) and Jun Hong(below)

With Shortie aka Lee Hoon.


With Moses. Eh, mozzie, I really love your camera cos I look so pretty here. LOL!!! I think your camera like me the most.

With my mother. My father act cute, he went home and change to his working attire so he didnt take pic with me. Bad father. ahhaha, I am happy that both of them turn up. Really happy. I think some of my close friends will know that my mum wont want to turn up to school event for instance like Speech Day, etc. This time round she came.

Thanks man. Thanks to my RP friends who gave me a wonderful and memorable memories which make my 3 years worth while.

Anyway, if you guys notice, JASMINE ANG MIN MIN SEEMS TO BE IN EVERY PIC THAT I UPLOAD. hahahahah, eh, she is a cam-whore. lol.

Take care peepos.


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