Job search

Have been sending in my resume to alot of companies and apply different kind of positions. Hopefully after I graduate, I am able to get a job but before I start my working life, I would really want to have one month for myself and just rot at home and do whatever I want.

After submitting FYP, I feel so empty man. Nothing much to do at home and just like today, a Wednesday, where I do not have class but used to go back and do my FYP, and after the submission, today, I sleep until 3pm. Hahaha, pig hor, but I am really tired man. Took another nap at 6pm until 8pm. Going to sleep once I type finish this entry.

Oh, for those who haven't watch the 9pm show in channel 8, HUANG JIN LU, it can be found in youtube. I love youtube man!

Monday class was a crap. Its econs class but my team laughed alot. So far, I only love econs class but I LOVE TO TEAM UP WITH JASMINE, JIAN WEI, YONG XUAN, ZANN AND WAN LIN. These are the people whereby if I team up with them, we will just laugh the whole day. Trust me, IS REALLY WHOLE DAY. Jian Wei love singing so sometimes if I start singing one sentence and stop, he will continue for me and after that, we will laugh like mad cos its damm funny for him to sing. Zann is a total pervert. I wont elaborate here because it is really pervertic talk. Lol. Jasmine also another one. Funny things she laugh, not funny also laugh, really siao de. Yong Xuan, that one no need to say. SD HIM!!! Hahahaha. Wan Lin is the best, EVERYTIME SUAN ME. Watch out girl!

Tmr is my favourite team again. With Jasmine, Jian Wei, Yong Xuan, me and someone, forget who liao.

Now is 1.31am. I am going to brush my teeth now and sleep.

I feel like eat you tiao now. argh.


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