Happy New Year!!

Yeah, its 2008 now. Will it be a good year and a good start for me? I hope it will be because I am graduating in one more month. What should I do? Study or work? Please do not ask me to study and work at the same time because I received a call yesterday, on 1st of Jan, STARHUB CALLED ME AND FIRED ME. Should I laugh at it? Well, its proven that I can't work and study at the same time. Don't ever said I never try or I do not want to do it but its indeed hard. After working so many months, I never even save. I gave almost all to my mum and my Msia trip.

Studies is still the usual, it sucks. Some friends have let me see their true colours. No console but just giving me those comments. Yeah, take it or leave it, always this sentence. I talked to the wrong person. Wanna find someone to console me for losing the job, well, maybe I deserve it but instead of what I got, tonnes of comments.

I learnt that not all people you can talked to and not all friends will msg you and ask about you. Thats life and friends walk out, thats what my friend said.

Yeah, I have been thinking alot. Might as well I go kill myself, everything will end. (haha, just say for fun nia) I can't take stress and I am at the verge of going bonkers. FYP, report, work, money, studies.. Life is just all about these. Where is the fun?

Maybe I should start thinking of another path, another way to get me out of the current shit I am in.

Like what my brother cried and say to me, YOU THINK I WANNA BE LIKE THIS? YOU THINK I WANNA FAIL MY N LVL? Yeah, he cried and I cried before for freaking results. Why are people judging us by our results, not how sincere you are? Maybe this world should change. Results are so fake.

I just wanna go holiday again. A friend asked me if I wanna go taiwan on the coming June, YES, I WANT because I really want to have a break. Break from everything, friends, families, work, studies... I just want a break again.


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