Suffocating me to death soon!!!

The recent competition that I have participated and also the FYP plus abit of family issues are really suffocating me. Datelines are super near. Let me type it out to let you all see how near it is.

Between today till 19th December 2007, I will need to arrange a timing to visit Singtel due to the HR competition. Alot of last minute changes. Singtel want us to focus on the new workforce whereas in the very first place, we choose to do the compensation and benefits. I am going to Malaysia on the 15, 16 and 17 so I am very sure I cant meet them in these 3 days and leader must be there and freaking suay thing is I am the leader. I thought its only a name but then, they only contact leader and thus, Singtel always contact me via email. I do hope I can meet up with them before 15 of December. On 24 December, we will need to submit a 5000 words report on how Singtel should change their workforce and retain them as well. (Darn, 24 hours is not enough)

SMU competition is on this coming Saturday and we have yet to solve the problem issued by them. Exclude today, we left 2 more days to solve the freaking problem. ARGH!

My mum decided to put me as a Secretary of Ngoh Hock Temple and thus don't know from where or I should say, don't know since when, my workload kinda increase. I have to type a letter with regards to the canvas behind our temple and need to inform the chairman of the overall temple. My uncle's issue on the insurance are given to me to solve it. Money is also another big factor to me now. Damm, I hate my life now.

My submission to FYP left another 4 more weeks (exclude holidays) yet the thing is not out, report haven't really started.

I really need a break and I really want it now. Studies are not going smoothly. Grades are real bad, and it is REALLY BAD.

Thanks Jasmine, for sending me home these past few days, or I should say, these past few weeks because I am sick. Stop saying that I am fat lah. SHIT U.

Coughing and sneezing like nobody's business. Call my Starhub's supervisor yesterday and decided to just tell her one shot off that I am really sick and down with bad flu and cough and I told her that I am sorry for not attending to work nearly 2 weeks. I hope she really understand.

I wanna work to have lots of money. I am really broke, really really broke. The feeling of not having enough money with you is so bad.

One bad thing that happened recently is, whatever I said, regardless of who I talk about unintentionally naturally appeared infront of me or something happened to them. Really... I guess I am sick for 2 weeks is all because of this issue. No joke, I guess Jasmine, Yali and Zann knows what I am talking about. I got a very bad feeling, and its not related to my sickness, but I just got it. The thoughts of me going to Genting is one of them. ARGH!, stop this kinda thinking in me PLEASE!!!


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