Somebody's birthday is around the corner!!

As what the title of this post stated, SOMEONE who is cute, tall, wear spects with permed hair.. I think all these are quite obvious about who am I talking about right??? Hehe, those who know this person, like Jasmine lah, Lee Hoon lah, Lishan and Shirley lah, Ruki, Azhar, hmm, and some other close close friends.. hahah, its time to fork out a sum of money to celebrate with this person ok.

Received a call from ICA on Friday and actually tell me that I am shortlisted to have the interview on coming Thursday. Woohoo, I applied for higher officer and I hope I can get this. I know it is tough but then, the pay wise not bad. Worth considering. People, wish me good luck for my coming interview ok.

Saturday was the SMU competition, hai~ all I can say is, we have tried our best. No more Mac book, darn.

Oh, remember the previous post I said something about me been sick, and that I sense that something is gonna happen? I think instinct is really a thing you cant deny. My ah ma, which is my dad's mum, got hospitalised on Friday. She found herself bleeding when she shit and the bleeding is alot. There are only 2 things that will happen if you bleed when you shit. One thing is you are suspected of having this "di cheng" (hokkien), I dunno how to pronounce it. Another reason is internal bleeding, just like my passed away grandma, who really bleed and thought she got mensus again at the age of 76. Maybe you all think this is funny or normal, but for elder people, especially the moment you have your menopause, if you bleed or whoever you know told you about this bleeding before, please ask them to go for a checkup. Indeed, my ah ma's intestine was found to have 4 tumours. Right now, we do not know if these tumours are good or bad. When I received this news, the first person that come to my mind was my passed away grandma. Both are my grandma but the passed away one are much more closer to me.

My brother dreamt about her just now. She hug my brother and told him that all of us are in her mind and heart and in the dream, she show my brother the picture about us (my cousins and me) when we were much younger, in kids days. My grandma told him that she will be back to visit us in the dream. When my brother told me this, I was crying. Even now when I am typing this, tears are rolling down. I do believe all these kinda things about them appearing in our dream. I do not know how to phrase it but if you all were to dream about this next time and it seems reality, for instance you found yourself crying when you wake up from that dream, I tell you, that dream is real.

I still miss her so much even though a year has gone. A year seems so fast. It also seems like my grandma just passed away few weeks ago. Sometimes in my house, I can still smell the ointment she used.

I miss her so much.


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