Blardy bastards with teeth chipped off!

Yes, I think Lena and Zann will know exactly who I am referring to. This bastard with ugly teeth is making me really irritated by all the actions he did. I just hope I can really shut him off. Anyway, this incident really make me damm fed up and I still got blardy 14 more weeks to endure with this freaking er xin da bian de nan ren. Had an outing yesterday with my beloved.. Hahah, eh, w54C ladies and 2 guys, you all are my beloved leh. Touched bo?? Ah Nua, although you never turn up, but you are still my beloved lah, haha. Oh, and our dear Alvin had a new name. Please, from this very moment onwards, address him as Alvina (name given by Joanna). Hahhaha, funny leh, and it suits him so well. So after school, Lena(driver), Zann(nannie), Doreen(eh, new join member), Joanna(shortie), Alvin(sissy sissy Alvina), Wei Kiat(GENTLEMAN!) and Me lo. We went H.K cafe at Cineleisure and then to Mind Cafe where its a place for you to relax and play games. Well, seriously, SUPER FUNNY LAH. Hahaha, I se...