Heartache song

 Looping 刻在我心底的名字 song now. Its damn heart wrenching; the tunes, the lyrics, the tempo...

Did you guys have a good 2020? Its November, and December will be coming in a blink. 

This year has been quite down and low. With not just COVID19, a friend who lied, I recently get to know from my ex-patient's mum that she has passed away.

I have seen many death during my course of work and the impactful ones that I remembered till now are Mdm G and Ms SZ. Their death were impactful to me because it made me reflect about their lives (to my limited understanding), and I know they were fighting in living a life. I know they were contented with what they had. I know they were also lonely and yet not lonely in their lives.

It made me reflect very deeply for these past few days about my life.

我们真的应该好好学着活着,充实自己,做自己喜欢的事,花时间在 closely connected 朋友上,不然,一眨眼,晃一晃,几十年就不见了。

Take care readers.


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