Lots of things has happened since the start of the year. 

One of the good thing was, this "sister" whom I used to regard as and relied on, unlocked me a day after my birthday and again, blocked me back on 5th April. A date will never forget again. Brings alot of pain to me whenever I recalled these issues. I just hope that she was less sensitive.

Went London, Paris and Amsterdam this March. Was a really great trip! Would definitely go again if I have the time.

Work has been really great. Good and positive things are coming along the way. I am glad to have been given some opportunities at work to perform. I just hope I will give my very best and of course, hope that the best would work out for me.

Health, of course, is going up and down. It is a phase that everyone has pass it. 

Life has been great to me, with only a sadness episode of this lady whom blocked me off. Till the next entry, take care you peeps!


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