Encouragement words

Amidst all the negative incidences that has happened to me which resulted me in thinking alot, I had this patient's family who texted me with encouragement words.

Been working as a social worker for 5 years and on and off, I do get positive feedback and encouragement from the families. I just wanna share that these encouragements and positive feedbacks plays an important role in keeping me going.

I'm sure everyone has ever thought about quitting the job when u hit some pit in your work. Then you start to question yourself if it will be right to quit and find another job. I had a few of such thoughts, thinking about working as project manager, some executive roles, or even to open a food stall (I can cook pretty well, just need some "enhancement" in my skills.).

5 years, I am still glad I am in this industry. This is the longest I have ever stay in the industry.

I have plans and I hope it works for me. Gotta chiong all the way to achieve it.

Take care peeps.


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