Stressful year

I have never been so stress in my life. You guys do not know just how much I have cried. Even typing this entry now just make my eyes well up.

Father had aneurysm ruptured and we were told by the doctors his chances of survival was 50%. I did not shed a single tear when doctor mentioned the survival. In fact, those who knows me well knew that l have not spoken to him for the past 2 years. Honestly, l was ready to accept the worst turnout, where he would pass on. When he was in A&E, I was thinking about his funeral. Thinking of how to manage, what to do, how to console my mum and brother. When he was sent to ICU, reality questions set in. Questions like what about his work? What about his bank loan? What about the family? Am l gonna be sole-breadwinner? Anyways, father went through a tough time. Admitted to KTPH, neurosurgeon met up with me and had an explanation about his condition. After explaining, he told me that there are 2 methods to do it. 1st would be endoscopy, where it is known as coiling process. It is fess invasive and its a modern way, sort of like a new method which has been around in the late 90s. The 2nd method would be the traditional way, which is known as cranitomy. After listening to how each method is going to work, l choose the endoscopy due to the fact that it is less invasive. As KTPH do not have the facility to do such an operation, he was transferred to NUH. I remembered me having a talk to the neurosurgeon at around 8am, reached NUH at around 1pm, the other surgeon who is going to do the endoscopy was not around. In between the waiting hours, few people came and accompany me. l am grateful for that. The surgeon came at around 8pm. Again, it is the surgeon role to explain the possible risk during the operation. l would like to thank the SICU in NUH where they were so patient when l queried a few things. Anyway, just as I thought the endoscopy was doing well, l received a call from the surgical team, stating that father is not suitable to do the endoscopy after they did an angiogram. So now, l left with one option, which will be the cranitomy. Went ahead with the cranitomy at around 10pm. Operation ended at around 3am. Father was in NHD for almost 2 weeks. Because he was transferred from KTPH, thus when he was fit to go to a general ward, NUH transferred him back. He Was discharge on 29 July. In between he couldn't remember us, he could recognise but unable to say names.

Through this incident, I truly realised how much I can be stretch. Its never easy to make decisions on behalf of your family members, especially when it involves life and death. Glad that all these is over.

Took a break and went Vietnam. I think the trip came in the right time. Basically its a 3 day 2 night trip. Managed to visit some museums and Mekong River. Not a bad place to chill though. Looking forward to return back to Vietnam.

September was just like a normal month. You know, work, stress and work again... Oh!! This is the month where I cut short my hair, met up with one whom I didnt really contact for months. Was hoping it would blossom but....

October!!! Managed to proceed with the Perth trip. I must thank Evonne for taking the time to drive me and my friend to some destinations that really needed car. Bought the promotion ticket in May 2015 before my fathers incident. Was really happy that the trip came true. Perth remains the plsce I would like to go if I need to chill. Loving it!

Well November has nothing much. Again, work and stress and work. Was offered a job and I rejected it. Still feel stupid about it though. I hope I did not made the wrong decision.

What can I say about December, its my birthday, its Christmas season, its year end.. Of course, I have never treated myself bad. I booked a 3 day 2 night Pan Pacific stay and I must say, I LOVE IT.

Coming 2016, I wanna shed off some fats, get my license and live a healthy lifestyle.


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