Brand new 2015

Had a friend who helped me ask her director if there is job opening. Was asked to call the director on Monday but I didn't due to my voice. Am still sick now since 5/1/2015. Contemplating if I should call because the friend says that the staff is gonna leave in Feb.

Asked a few person for opinion, including my boss as well. I am really grateful to have such an open minded boss, who would listen and give fair comments. I seriously appreciate such people and this is also the reason why I am still contemplating if I should call.

Anyways, lets see how it goes. I am curious to what the other organisation can offer.

January 2015 was not a good start for me. Fall sick, some unfinished business in work, feeling super tired as compared to Dec 2014. I hope its not signs of burn out.

Attended a wedding yesterday and was one of the sisters. While going through the process, I was telling myself, "I do not want to have such gate crash, outdoor shoot and wedding banquet for my wedding". Being one of the sisters, I already felt so tired by the time it hits the wedding banquet time. I would just want it simple, a few people whom would really be happy for me, a solemnisation ceremony and then poof!, here I go for my honeymoon. Hahahahaha, I bet it would be fantastic for me. Nonetheless, I enjoyed myself a lot sabotaging the brothers, shouting yum seng, eating the food, have fun times with friends whom I have known since 1999. Priceless moments and its always so fun staying together as a group. Love the girls a lot.


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