The Rehab

Rehab has already started and its my 4th session with NUH. I would say that I improve tremendously because from having atrophy and not been able to move the whole arm at all to now where I am able to raise the arm up to 90 degree and slowly gaining my strength back. Rehab is really an important process that non of us should ignore or heck care about it.

I had my bankart and SLAP repair operation done on 21st March 2014, went home with a soft sling and was wearing it for almost a month. I wear it during my sleep so as to prevent myself from unknowingly shifting and moving the arm. I wear it when I am out so as to hold the arm because for the first 3 weeks, I had that loose feeling and little movement of jerking will cause me pain for a short while thus the sling helps to stabilize the shoulder. Basically, wearing the sling can also create an awareness to the people around you.

I had my stitches removed on 31st March 2014 and it was then the doctor referred me for NUH rehab. My first rehab started off on 7 April 2014. So from 21st March 2014 till 7 April 2014, I was super obedient in not moving a single muscle at all for my right shoulder. And of course, the results of not moving the right shoulder gave me atrophy and it was really painful and irritating. Once you get atrophy, whenever you try to move a single muscle on the operated arm, you just feel the sourish feel and pain. I am glad that my therapist was good. He was very patience with me and taught me few exercises to prevent more atrophy. The exercises taught during first session were pendulum swing, stretching of elbow and having the shoulder to do up and down movement. These 3 simple exercises, in fact, was not easy for me to do at all due to my atrophy but it was also because of these 3 simple exercises, it eases so much of the pain and it really helps to prevent more atrophy. 2nd appointment was on 17 April and thus from 7 till 17, I did that 3 sets of exercises daily, at once every 2 hours so as to move my muscle and not to let it atrophy.

2nd appointment was on 17 April 2014, this time round the therapist taught me 2 new exercises movement and that is to lie flat on bed, to cross the fingers together, hold the hand and do the lifting exercises. The other is to hold a lightweight metal bar or an umbrella, lying down facing upwards, both elbow to rest on bed, having the good arm to push outwards to the operated arm. At this point of time, lifting the arm and pushing it outward was really a scary thing for me to do. I have no range at all and everything was at 0 degree. Thus, doing these exercises can help to build the scapular muscle and allow me to do stretching up till 30 degree when lying flat.

3rd appointment was on 24 April 2014, same thing, I did all the exercises taught by the therapist at once every 2 hours but this time round, I increase the number of times for each exercises. Pendulum swing, moving of up and down for the shoulder, stretching of elbow, lying flat on bed to lift the operated shoulder and pushing the operated arm outwards was to do 20 times each but by then, I increase it to 40 times each. The reason why I increased the numbers was because I felt that I can do more and I am confident about it. I take the time to do these exercises and throughout the weeks, these 5 simple exercises did help me a lot in improving my range. So for this appointment, I was able to lift my right arm up till 70 degree and it was really taking a lot of toll on it. I still cant write, cant feed myself using my right hand, unable to lift items like bag and all. This time round, I was introduced to elastic band. I am to use to the band to help build my back muscle and deltoid muscle. First, I have to find a safe and stable spot to allow me to pull the band. I use my house metal gate, put over the band, have both my hands holding one end to another of the band and pull it downwards. While doing this, the whole hand has to be straight. For the second exercise, I would need to grab the band at a higher level, and pull it towards the chest. So this time round, you will have to bend your elbow to do this exercise and pull near to the side of your body. Again, each time to do 20 times. By then, I am off the sling for my sleep except when going out so as to create awareness.

At the 4th appointment, on 30th April 2014, my therapist asked me how do I grade myself from 0 to 10 on my range of movement since the rehab, I told him I give myself a 5 to 6. By now, I am able to raise my arm up till 90 degree without support and 120 degree with support from the therapist. By then, I am totally off the sling, not wanting to create awareness anymore. Haha, and it feels great to have the sling off! The things that I cant do much and long period of time now is to rest my arm on the table to type or write and thus I bought a wireless keyboard for work. Writing makes me look like I just graduate from K2 level.

I am seeing my therapist for once every week and it really feels great to know that I am improving bit by bit. To think back on the atrophy period, I was really scare and has this thought that my movement will be limited for sure, but having the therapist to see me weekly, helping me to massage on the muscle that I am not using much due to my limited range, it helps to ease the stress on my operated shoulder. The therapist was good because he is constantly there guiding me to do the right thing, not to be scare of the movement and was really encouraging me well. My MC was given 6 weeks thus I am going back to work on 2 May 2014. I am also glad that the organisation I worked in was really supportive throughout the whole thing from having my shoulder dislocated and then deciding to op or not and to my mc.

Rehab is never an easy thing and it really takes time, thus be patience about it and never rush in doing the exercises. My therapist told me that by July 2014, he should be able to discharge me from therapy session but of course, I hope by then I can be fully recovered and by this, I mean to have my range back.

Another good thing about doing the op was, I LOST FREAKING 2 KG!! Hahaha.

Till then, take care.


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