The path

My path has never been an easy one. Before I start off, I went for my shoulder bankart operation to fix the instability of the shoulder on 21st March. I am given medical leave till 1st May. Thats long right? It seems alittle too long and I was really thinking hard what should I do during this period. Anyway, got that sorted out.

I really would like to thank my colleagues for covering me while I am away. They visited me and yes, my mum remains the same, shared with them what she shouldnt share. I have a great bunch of colleagues. The ward therapist came yesterday and I decided to show them my "fantastic" grades in secondary school. And then Ev, one of the therapist "Wow" out and said my grades were never good, especially English and Sciene. True, I admitted. The both were quite shock, particulary sec 4 and 5 comments.

What I want to share in this blog is, secondary school,  a phase almost everyone of us has to go through, does determine us on where to go and what to do. Its that 4 year (Express & Normal Tech) or 5 year (Normal Acad) that sort of determine what you want in life. If we arelucky, we would meet teachers that will guide you along. Note that during that teenage age, it is also a stage where we explore the 'NOs' that were told by our parents and teachers. So I would say that its a stage where you mature and know what you want, if not, you play along and live along as days goes by, panicking that you still do not know what to do and give the heck care attitude. Its a mixed feelings for this because you may be aware that your friends do know what courses they would apply, which path would they want to take. I tell you, if you are a student and you chance upon this blog, please, do not be panick and do not feel that you are useless.

Each of us doesnt function the same to each other. It took me 6 years to pass my O levels, went to RP and now completed my degree in Social Work. I met teachers in secondary school days who just totally told me off and ask me to go ITE. Now, at that period of time, in the early 2000s, ITE courses were limited and if you were to compare the past ITE and current ITE, you will find so much differences and changes done. They gave a variety of courses that are somewhat the same as polytechnics. Now, one factor that I did not choose the path of ITE was because I knew I would not made it to polytechnic via ITE route and probably would most likely just graduate and work. At the age of 18, in year 2004, after collecting the results, I have to decide by myself if I were to continue and take the O level in my secondary school, take as a private student or to go ITE. I choose the first choice. I am still grateful that my prinicpal decided to accept me, gave me a chance and if not for that, I seriously do not know where would I be now. And this, I am glad I met a good principal.

There are specifically two teachers whom really discourage me to continue my Os, and its totally not supportive to my decision. I shall not name them because due to the current technology, keying in their name in the search engine, you would be able to find them. I would say its two judgemental female teachers.

I am totally glad and satisfied (except my salary la) to be at where I am today. Its never an easy path and I am glad I pull it through. Now, I am at the stage of planning to take my masters.

Do not let others to determine who you are but you, to lead your own life and walk your own path.


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