4th Dislocation

Yeah, its my 4th time having to dislocate my right shoulder since 2006. I wonder how did I managed to find the courage to pop it back for the first 3 times and the 4th one I couldn't do it and decided to go NUH to have the emergency doctors to do it.

It all happened because of a phonecall at ward. I was discussing some cases with the therapist, both of us heard the phone rang so many many times, I decided to just roll over on the chair that I am sitting on, and the next moment, I lost balance, used my right hand to support myself from falling further and "crack" I heard, and I know straight away its dislocated. The first few seconds it felt like that is muscle spasm, but when I tried to move it, I knew it.

Anyways, the pain is really indescribable. I am so glad that my senior was there. She was damm calm and didn't make me feel anxious. The doctors responded fast by giving me Tramadol to ease the pain. Seriously, that tramadol helps me much which allows me to transfer to the wheel chair.

I seriously do not want my shoulder to dislocate anymore but it seems like I am unable to do so. Its really freaking painful.

The next moment, my manager smsed me and mentioned that one of the doctors were amazed by my "colourful" words. Hahahahah, seriously, when one is in pain, such words do provide abit of comfort. I was nice enough not to use a lot of vulgar and those colourful words I said were WAH LAN EH, SHIT LA, BLOODY HELL. These 3 only lor..

Anyways, I am glad to have such nice colleagues who are all calm enough to handle me.



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