Ups and Downs..

Its almost coming to 3 months of me not blogging. I remember I used to blog almost everyday in the past but ever since I started working in 2008, the entries from me reduced tremendously.

Coming to 4 months of been a Medical Social Worker. Its not easy. I seriously appreciate the CC job a lot, the fun we used to have, the jokes, laughter, singings, etc... The current job requires me to face real life problems, problems that its not like 1 + 1 = 2.

The job is so meaningful that I think I am stressing myself quite a far bit. I always wanted almost perfect care plan for patients, I mean, there are services out there which has lots of dam discrepancy, but I have that feeling of just applying all the services to the patient, to ensure that they have a smooth transition from hospital to home. You see, most of the patients that comes to the hospital I am working in are of rehab potentials and that's why I see a lot of stroke patient, knee replacement patient, hip fracture patient, amputee patient, and minority of cancer patient. Up till now, I am still amazed by some patient on how strong they are when facing their situation. I am quite a tough girl who don't cry easily and in fact, will never cry unless its related to my own family issues. These patient whom I have a chance to serve them, really open my eyes up a lot and kept me thinking about WHAT IS LIFE?

I have been reflecting almost every week, what is my life. I seriously do get stress up easily now as compared to the times I worked in CC. Had a patient who went missing yesterday morning and thanks to the social worker who gave me a call at 9.30pm, informing me about her missing, I couldn't sleep and managed to only catch a light sleep at 4am. That's how affected I am and I am not sure if it is a good thing. If the care plan do not go by my way, it affects me as well. Its only coming to 4 months and I am questioning my ability to handle all the emotions coming from all over the place. Patient cried to me, complaining of children not wanting to visit them. Patient talked to me about their past till they cried and ask me not to share with their family members about what they have shared. Patient with dementia can never remember my name, asking me to accompany her till late evening because she thinks that the nurses are harming her. Patient cried to me when they are in pain and I have to comfort them. Do not think that I am complaining. I am not, in fact, I love doing these but loving it and doing it everyday is really different. Its draining me mentally.

I have been wanting to learn how to separate the emotions and not get affected, I guess I still haven't learn that portion well yet.

Was thinking to get a MBA instead of masters in social work. You see, I am still blur on whether if this is the right path for me. I wanna earn big bucks because my perspective is "Money is damm important". I was thinking of not making my road to a dead end at social worker. Instead, I would like to try something out in the future. Who knows I may just wanna stay for awhile in social work job, and then settle down in a management job?

Convocation tomorrow.. Cant wait to get the cert, wear the mortar, take tonnes and tonnes of picture. Take care peeps. Ranting done!


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