Medical Social Worker

Started new job in St Luke's Hospital on 1st July 2013. Love this job alot. It has been 3 weeks already and everyday seems to just pass so fast. There are times where I work till I did not follow the timing and when I look at my watch, its like "Huh? 5pm already??" that feeling.

This job gave me alot of insights and learning points. I would say it is quite a systematic way of doing work. Its like if this scheme they cannot apply, then maybe can try the other. Everything has a flow to it. There are pros and cons to these. I never believe in straight roads. I believe we sometimes do need to turn abit and be flexible. The job has its flexibility (I mean when it comes to helping patient) but the flexibility is limited. Its like I am given an area of 100sqm to do whatever I want, but I am restricted to only 100sqm, I cant expand another 50sqm so as to try or trial out stuff. Things are pretty fix.

Love my colleagues. I have yet to really joke with them like how I used to did in CC. I do miss my ex-colleague cum friends alot alot. I really misses the times where I work with them, I can just suan them non stop. I can just sing non stop, I can just curse non stop and we curse together. I like the fact that there is teamwork and everyone try to cover each other's backside. My current job seems to be quite a loner job. Colleagues are nice but I am given a ward to handle. Other than to seek clarification on stuff that I am uncertain, there is no other teamwork together with my colleague in the same department. In ward, I have to work closely with therapist, nurses and doctors, but these doesnt seems to be a teamwork. Its like you do your part, and once done, we just report, that kind.

Anyways, I like the environment.. I do love my colleagues now cos all of them seems to be so friendly and loving. Its like they can give alot of TLC... Hahahahhaha.

Anyways, I never regret in my choice of receiving pay cut, leaving a job which I really do enjoy the company (yes, the CC's company is really like the best).

More challenges ahead of me. I know I can do it and I will do it. :)


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