The Best Maid Award for the month of January 2013

Yeah, I should be given the title "Best Maid" Award for my house. My mum is on holiday now from 3rd to 31st of Jan. This mean that I will have to do the chores that my mum always do.. Seriously, I do get pek cek when I see the toilet which I just clean it become dirty again.. The chores that I have been doing are vacuuming, mopping, washing of clothes, boil water, clean toilet EVERYDAY, folding of clothes, planting the plants (they are dying leh, all turning yellow).. It may seems little but if you have to do it everyday, you will see the effect. It takes more than a day to really finish up all these.

Of course, the above mentioned are the cons, I do get a bit of pros lah. For instance, mummy not around, I SHOPPED ALOT... online of course... I am gonna cut my hair later to short. I get to sleep very very late (its 3.40am now fyi), I have the whole tv to myself. I can eat and drink whatever I want.

But then, at the end of the day, I do miss my mum. Hahaha, damm contradicting lor but its true leh. Missing her nags, her voice, her smell, her laughs.. LOL, called her almost once every 3 days like that.

Meanwhile, no more schooling means more free time and more money can be save. I am proud to share that I have 4 digits in my bank account now!! Seriously, looking at the rate of me spending the money ah, we dont talk about the number of times I take the taxi to work and home lah, I actually never really spend leh. I can see the money growing bit by bit. If the bad habit of me taking taxi can be remove ah, I think I can save up 2 times faster lor. Hahahahahaa, but wells, money are earn to spend. If you dont spend, you are not helping the economy lor.

Waiting for March to come, and then May.. Hopefully by June I am able to achieve what I wanted.


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