Big big big days coming!!

Before I start of what are the big days, I would like to comment on my previous blogpost of "New colleague, New energy". It is, in fact, new energy. There are in total 3 newbies.. One of the newbies was initially someone i thought to be nice, but in fact, he is not. I know its not nice to make comments on people, but the fact that what this guy has been doing is turning off everyone. I wouldn't say lazy but he is obviously not very helpful. He is super duper mindful of what he is doing.. He dont seems simple at all. Now, the other lady, a newbie as well, is somewhat drawing a clear fine line. Received a sms from her, which seriously, it is something that she can do as well, not just the CME. I am unsure if she is drawing such hierarchy of CM and CME or she really do not know what to do. Anyway, office is turning into a "Dont cross my line"pattern. The old batch of staff, I would say, we do help each other quite a fair bit (though we always seems to curse and swear at the person whom we help) and we are working as a team. After the injection of new blood, GAWD, ITS REALLY BAD.

Alright, its my off day today, thought of blogging it since I hasnt been into blogging for a period of time. Now, a few things that will be happening in this December 2012!
  • J.Lo Concert on 4 December 2012!!!
This excites me ALOT ALOT. The ticket cost me $351 bucks!! I know I will enjoy for sure. Paying at such amount, if I dont enjoy it, seriously, I am gonna waste my money la.. So revision on J.Lo songs will be starting soon cos I foresee I will be asking my friend what song is this lah, she sing it?? that kinda stupid questions.

  • MBS Hotel Stay on 8 & 9 December 2012!!!
Ohhhhhhhh!!! This, I TELL YOU GUYS.. I have been waiting it for quite some time. Will be going with my bunch of girlfriends. Theme of the party will be football theme!! All of us will be wearing jerseys!! It will be a celebration to my birthday as well as an early Christmas celebration. Nice!!!

  • Birthday Celebration on 18 December 2012!!!
Gawd, I LOVE DECEMBER!!  Not only it seems to signify that its HOLIDAY and the year is ending, but it definitely signify to me that my birthday is around the corner!! I dont make wishes during my birthday but this year, it will be exception. Hopefully my well prepared wishes will be able to come true in the near future!

  • Bonus Bonus BONUS!!! (Money)
Waiting eagerly for my bonus to come in. Its the FIRST EVER TIME I DO NOT HAVE TO PAY SCH FEES AFTER TAKING A BONUS. This is damm significant to me because the sch fees that I used to pay ranges from 2.5k to 3k. Bonuses with salary sometimes reach a minimum of 3k and a maximum of 5k (in ITE) and when sch fees invoices are here, I will have to fork out the sum of money i mentioned it earlier. Thus, this year, NO MORE PAYING OF SCHOOL FEES! I can at last, see a 4 digit in my bank. :)

  • END OF EXAMS!! and Release of Results.
At last, I have finished my very last paper in the entire 3.5 years of uni life. Its never easy to work and study but I appreciate it alot because from the jobs that I was in (RAS, ITE & PA), it seriously let me learnt alot, esp during the times when I was in RAS, where it was because I met someone and this someone lead me in taking Bachelor of Social Work. I never regret it. I am a hands on person and jobs like administrative is really not my type. I am glad that I took this degree and now, waiting eagerly to join the sector. Results will release in Dec. Hopefully I pass it all and my convocation will be in next year October 2013.

Exciting December isnt it?? Its exciting enough for me liao lor. Cant wait for CNY as well. I hope your December will be an exciting one. I must hao lian abit, my december do looks fun! heehee, take care peeps!


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