I am in May!

Its May 2012. Time passes so fast! I am in this current job for more than a year already! Never thought I can stay here for such a period of time. Its not easy at first but I pulled it through and I am glad that the colleagues are getting to know me better.

I am soon going to graduate and I have a attachment I need to complete before graduating in this coming December 2012. Hopefully I am able to pass all the modules and graduate la if not it will be damm tough for me. My attachment is going to start off in end July and ends in early October. Hopefully the attachment will be fun and I will learn alot too. Although its only 2.5 months, but seriously, to me I feel that its long enough. Because of this, I actually need to take 2.5 months of unpaid leave, which hopefully my bosses and management will agree with it and let me go for this attachment in peace.

Its really tiring to juggle between work, school, and life. Its never easy. I have quite a period of time where I did not meet up with my friends. Talking about my best friend, its worst! They never call me to talk to me over the phone nor do they bother to find time for gathering or a trip. Well, what can I say, they are married thus whatever they wanna do, they will only do it with their husbands.. What is friend? Its nothing to them la so...

I seriously wanna spend my time with Joey, Jasmine, Xiao Wei and Anna. Its not because I die die want to be in their group, but I seriously missed out so much fun already and they are really those secondary school friends whom we have know each other for so long. Just how many of us do seriously have secondary school friends that will listen to u, nag with u, joke with u and do almost everything with you? Its not easy to have such friends. I used to have 2 of them, but they are dead (to me).

Anyone who happen to come across this blog, and are considering to work full time and study part time, please consider twice before deciding to go ahead because it really eats up alot of our personal time.

All I can do now is to hope for the best in my results and just let me get a pass in my degree, thats it. I dont ask much at all...

Well, take care to whoever who is reading this (which I doubt so). Haha! :)


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