Those old posts...

I was randomly clicking through those past blog entries that I have typed.. A few I came across are entries that I questioned myself on what my future will be.. Majority of the post are related to school life in RP.

I am glad that ever since I graduate in Apr 2008, I have been working non stop and I seriously got the job that I always wanted to try out. U know, at times, you just wanna try your luck in finding new jobs by sending lots of resume out. It doesnt matter if it is suitable to you, but of course, the salary plays a part. So if you found few that you think you fit into the category, you will just email them. But when you are looking through in finding a "real" job that you will enjoy, when you found one and you send the email out, somehow, seriously, I DO GET THE JOB that I emailed with a heavy heart. Its a heavy heart because I seriously do not want to miss this job out at all and would want to try it out.

I am glad that throughout the 4 years of my career, I have never stop for more than 1 week. It always started off fast into the new job. But it is because of my job hopping, my "rank" in the society or the area that I am working in are low. I do not really know how to calculate my work experiences. Out of the 3 jobs that I have changed in 4 years, I still love and prefer the first job.

Had a heart to heart talk with Abu about my family.. I am glad I have Abu around. Seriously, she is like another mother to me. She listens, she advise accordingly, she encourages, she is funny and humourous.. I am glad I get to know her from my first job. Basically, I am glad to know her family members. :)

Few moments ago, 10th Feb, was a person's birthday. I am seriously still wondering where is she now, how has she been doing, if she is still teaching, will she still remember me, etc.. You all can guess who am I referring to but I bet not many people know. hahaha

Graduating soon and I totally cant wait to wear the hat and robe, take a family portrait picture and GRADUATE AS A SOCIAL WORKER!!


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