
Was surfing around in my facebook, looking at some profiles ( I wont name whose I have look at), I just realise everyone is in pairs. Am I starting to mind that I am not in a pair? Nope, I am seriously fine with been single for the rest of my life (because I have seen how and what my father did), but I do mind alot if the friends are able to give me time, not little time, but quality and quantity time.
As I grow older, at the current age of 25, I know what are the wants I want to have in my life. Is it wrong or do I have a wrong/different mindset about sharing? To be frank, I hate sharing. Sharing of knowledge is of course ok. What I meant here is sharing of wealth, finance or anything that is related to money. Like for instance, just moments ago, my dad ask if I have $300, I did not even consider or think through or ask why do he need that amount, my reply to him was NO, I do not have $300. I hate the fact that I do not know where my money goes to if I were to give it to him. This is maybe one of the reason why I have the idea of not wanting to get married.
Pair, this word here, I do hate it at times, but I do also admit that I envy those who are in pairs. So friends, PLEASE, give me some of your time and spend with me for I DO NOT HAVE ANY OTHER PAIR I CAN SHARE WITH.
Alright, a few things I am planning to do to make my life even better (though my so call best friends are not giving me time at all). First is to REALLY GET MY BUTT AND BUY ONE DSLR CAMERA. Second thing is TO BLARDY GRADUATE LAH! Third is to SHOCK MY MOTHER BY BUYING ONE PLASMA TV HOME. Fourth is to GET MY LONG AWAITED CAR LICENSE BY NEXT YEAR. Fifth is to BUY A LAPTOP. Ok.... all need money, so which means, I MUST WORK BLARDY HARD!!
Take care peeps.


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