Enjoying every minute, every seconds

I am enjoying every minute at work and every seconds spend there. The feeling is exactly what I used to have when I was working in RAS.

Well, although my off days are alittle weird (weird in the sense that I have one off on weekday and one on weekend), I love the idea of having an off day during weekday because if you were to go out during weekdays, there is not many people in the street. Everything seems so peaceful and you can and are able to feel the breeze when walking along the street.

Work has been excellent. So far there isnt much problem and I really enjoy helping those elderly in their enquiries. My morale is quite high now thus this is probably the reason why I am enjoying every moment. Of course, I do hope this feeling can continue.

I am glad that I had a group of friends who were there to listen, to console, to laugh, to enjoy every moment with me. Thanks Joey, Xiao Wei and Anna.

Exam is around the corner and this time round, I really must pass and get good grades in order to pull my gpa grades up.

Thats all for now. Take care peeps.


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