To R or C?

Hahahah, its not RC but I am thinking to R or C? Anyways, I think I have got the answer already and hopefully it will not be a wrong move.

Recently, I realised people tend to forget people easily, especially those who was once close with you. I am glad to have some friends who were supportive and willing to take time to listen to my nonsense.

Had my dinner at KFC and I saw this family of 4, sharing 2 sets of rosta. Their 2 little sons were ard the age of 7 to 10. Their sharing of food kept me thinking about some unfortunate families in Singapore. The kids were super happy when the dad brought the set to them. The wife didnt take a bite, the father, been a man in mid 30s, had only half the burger and the rest were given to the sons. One of the son was also nice enough to really ask the mum, elder bro and father if they want the mashed potato that he is having. The mashed potato left only almost half portion. 3 of them said no to him and he eat it slowly.

I dont wanna assume that they are poor but the sharing was indeed touching. How many of us still practice sharing? Share by means of the true meaning of sharing, not because you want to lose weight, or you cant finish, or you are full, but share because they are probably poor?

Sharing is important in our life. Share your wealth by donating, share your food to those who do not have 3 meals, share your knowledge so that everyone learn together, share your information so that everyone know, sharing make us work as a team.

Sharing, is indeed important.

I am sharing with you guys on this story, in hope that you guys really think through that how many times do we really share?

Take care peeps.


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