Weird dreams

Well, I wanna blog the dreams down so that I can recall it from here. Seriously guys, my memory is getting worst. Its really short term memory. I dont know what happen. Anyway, I had 2 weird dreams today. The first dream I had happened in prison and subordinate court. I dreamt that this lady, in the 40s had slaughtered this man. She was a mistress to this man because in my dream, the man's parents (both in age late 60s near early 70s) were crying when they are talking to me with another police officer. The man's wife was standing behind, trying not to cut into the conversation between the parents and us. The wife had a sister and the sister was trying her best to calm the wife down. I think it was a weird dream because I can remember it so clearly and the dream has colors. Well, the mistress (the one who slaughtered the man) ask to talk to me and the police officer. She then pass me something and she wants me to help her seek forgiveness from the man's family, which she had slaughtered the man. In my dream, the parents seems to have accept the fact that the son is dead and the woman (mistress) will be dead too. I dreamt that she was sentenced to death by the judge. It was the wife who seems as if she dont believe that what has happened was true. And then, I got wake up by my alarm.

I went back to sleep again and set my alarm to ring again in another 15 more mins. Then it comes, the 2nd dream. Seriously, I had 2 dreams, and the second one just come within seconds. In a dream, it always seems lengthy. Its like never ending dream. I dream that I was with this family who came forward to see if the bodies found in the reservoir is their family members. In this dream, 2 was drown dead. One man and one woman was found dead many hours because in my dream, both of their bodies and faces are so damm wrinkled. The body appears to have black patches. I still remember in my dream, there is this forensic specialist who commented on the bodies and says that they both had die many many hours. In the dream, both these bodies were found floating and the guy's right hand was grabbing onto the lady's clothing. It seems to me that the woman does not want to die but the man dragged and push her to die together with him.

And then, I got woken up by the alarm..

Damm dreams u know.. It seems so real to me because I can still remember the first dream, where I talk to the parents, THEIR FACES. I can remember their faces..

Anyway, hope I can have a gd night sleep today. Wake up tomorrow and start to really study my 2 module. Exam is on nx wed and fri. Hopefully I can make it through.


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