
This morning (Friday) witnessed a bike accident. Why would I say its eerie? Alright, I took a cab down to work today because I was running late. While my cab was driving along the BKE expressway (somewhere near the exit from CCK), I was looking out to my left and my cab was travelling in the 1st lane (fastest lane), suddenly, one rider, who was in the middle lane, turn to his right and look at me with a smile, a smile that is like "you are lucky its not you", that kind of cunning playful smile. The every nx moment, a rider at the front (few seconds later) lost balance and got into accident. The uncle fall towards his front and landed on his chest. If you guys know, its human instinct to actually protect yourself from rolling and jerking further by putting ur hands down to the floor. The uncle got his hands blooded and managed to stand up IMMEDIATELY after been knocked by a cab who was trying to come into the 1st lane.

Luckily behind this uncle was a mini lorry, the driver was able to jam brake but of course, the mini lorry ran over the bike. When this uncle falls, his bike nearly got into the lane I was in and my taxi driver swerved to the right alittle, which we nearly hit the metal railings.

What I am disturbed is by this rider, who turned and smile at me. It was a sharp 90 degrees turn. People, when you are in a car, most of the time, especially in cab, you tend to look out to your sides, not front. This rider was riding probably at 90km/hr and he was able to turn 90 degrees sharp and smile at me. I got goosebumps when he did that and the next moment, it was the accident. I hope the uncle is gonna be fine.

Had birthday celebration with Xiao Wei today at Mushroom Pot. A night full of fun and laughter. Really never fail to make me laugh till I cry. Elva was also having her rehearsals and we had our mini concert with Elva just now. Hahhaa, managed to peek thru and see her perform. Not bad not bad.

Anyway, take care peeps, especially for this month. Its scary and eerie.


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