Irresistable temptation..

Yeah, I believe everyone who is reading now has got tempted before by some things and yet you cant just go ahead to accept it because of some particular reason. Oh well, I fit in to this super nicely now.

Its seriously a tempting 3 months. Working in ITE can be fun at times, can be boring at times, can be brain dead at times, can be serious at times, can be enjoyable at times. There are also times where opportunity are given to me on whether I should go back to my previous workplace or not, times where I question myself if this is really what I want, times where I ponder and think alot about the past and present, times where I really hope I can simply just shout ABU loudly and bang her office door, times where I would like to mingle with kids and adults to have serious discussion on the environment for SG, times where I will share information with others who doesnt know a single thing about toilet, and many many other times.

I think those who knows me well knew all along that I hate indecisive people, I hate deskbound jobs, I hate office politics, I hate many other stuff but these mentioned are those I hated the most. I do have likes...

I like to have long meetings to discuss what I would want to do, I like to share information that others dont know (not to show off), I like to work in teams instead of working individual. I like outdoors (not sales), I like roadshows and mending booths and explain to those people about what I do, I like environment, I like been appreciated with the ideas I contributed and seen it really truly grow and evolve into a money earning project, I like to just blast my music in office and sing MJ song to Ros and we both will laugh like shit, I like working and reading emails at home, I like giving my namecards out and will receive tonnes of weird calls asking me about toilet from all over the SG, I like how Abu always ask me about school work and share the joy with me when I pass my report, I like the times where I share what I learn in class with Abu, I like the times where I had meetings with her and I will always disturb her by saying that she is getting older and gaining weight.

Am I crazy? I am not leh but I always believe in doing something useful and not been useless (as in not fully been use) where I am sitting down infront of a computer and simply just doing data entry and attend to calls that always complain of late payment.

I know all of us have to move on and try not to turn back and look at what you have done, its never been easy on me so far. I myself also wish to just look front and accept the new environment. I guess the previous job does give me lots of impact. I took degree in Social Work is all because of the previous job, where it gave me lots of interaction from all people in life. I started to share information about toilets with my friends and its not just them who find it interesting, at times I feel that I have learn a new stuff, new knowledge and I find them interesting too.

I am not complaining about the job that I am currently doing, but it is making me not been productive and I am starting to realise that I am learning nothing. I am also not trying to imply here that I can learn alot and I wish to be flooded with new knowledge. I just feel that before I graduate with my degree, I hope that my working experience is a fruitful and enjoyable journey before I really step into the Social Work society. I believe every youngster who is around my age do agree to what I say. I mean, who doesnt want to seriously explore all parts of interesting job before you really need to give some serious business in feeding the family and settling down.

And yes, again, been mentioned over the phone today by Abu, if I want to go back, she will welcome me. Its freaking tempting because I know, and I believe SBK do know that if I were to go back, I will enjoy so much more than compared to what I am doing now. Abu said:"It is making you not so creative than you should because the job is really brain dead." Oh well, its true...

The reason of why I am so fucking indecisive now (I am really angry with myself in this) is because of the monetary issue. The current salary that I draw are bits more than what I used to draw in the previous job. Of course, if you guys know and I believe you all will know, its that govt sector jobs are always much more stable and they do have a stable increment in salary every year. On top of that, there is also bonuses and benefits that non-profit organisation or private sector sometimes cant give (unless it is banking lah, then thats different). I discussed this with my mum and she got angry. She says:"Brain dead job is good for you now because you are schooling, you dont have to bring work back home like you used to do, and you need a stable income". You know, her words just hit me back to reality again.

So guys, please, tell me, should I stay or should I go back?


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