Ohhh weather

Oh weather, can you please treat us a little more nicer?

Oh weather, can you please rain and shine daily?

Oh weather, can you dont make us fall sick easily?

Oh weather, can you stop evaporating the water and yet you dont allow the clouds to rain.

Oh weather, I hope you can seriously start to consider of having a heavy rain tomorrow.

OHHHH, anyway, I am going to Penang, tickets has already bought. I have a crazy friend who was planning some of her own personal stuff, suddenly pop out this question asking me if I am interested to go Penang or Ho Chi Min. I got so shock but act calm. LOL. Anyway, we are going on the September, still got half a year to go.. We better remember this if not, I THINK, THE POSSIBILITY OF US MISSING THE FLIGHT IS HIGH. ahahhahaah.

Well, mum is still not back yet and I truly misses her alot alot alot.

Weekend coming, time to really relax awhile. Take care peeps.


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