Pampered myself!!

Oh yes!! I bought 2 shoe bags (one is for me, another is for my brother) and a Naglene water bottle ($14!!). Bought the grip for my badminton racket and some "feathers" to smack on every Friday. Hahaha.

I need to submit a report later before 12am and I am still here blogging. Anyway, I went to the MayDay concert last Saturday. I wouldnt say it was a good one but for the firework's sake, yes, it is good, especially for the finale and the robot that they have on stage. Singing for Ashin wasnt that good. Perhaps he has been rushing for those performances (in diff places and countries), thus his voice wasnt really that good.

The next upcoming would be Xiao Zhu. I am glad that we managed to get Jay Chou concert tickets. Hahaha, although is only $98, but then, HECK LAH, can go and listen can liao. The most I will bring binoculars lor. HAHAHAHAH.

Well, weather hasnt be good lately, so you guys must take care of yourself and also, DONT MISS ME TOO MUCH LEH. :))


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