Not bad not bad..

Although I OT a week (since Monday till Friday), I think as long as I clear some of the work, I am happy. Glad that my Reporting Officer (RO) stayed back with me and this actually motivates me to work even harder because I really dont want her to stay back for me and the workload. The second day of work, I received a fried "butterfly" on my desk and it was from her (RO). Indeed, it was really a super nice morning to start with, knowing that I am appreciated and breakfast are there for me.

RO has been saying thank you to me non stop, and that makes me realise that simple THANK YOU can really make me feel that all the hard work I put in is worth the effort. I think in the previous company, I dont receive alot of thank you (except from Abu). I had 'thank you' gift from teachers, school, clients, but never from office (except Abu). I guess this is one of the reason why I am feeling so tired of working there previously.

I guess some of your might be shock that I actually have to go work at 830am and for the past one week, I end work almost at 8pm to 9pm. Yes, I am feeling tired and some of my friends might have heard my complaints, but then again, I seriously felt that my hard work are paid off (not in terms of money because there is no OT pay), but there are people who will stay and OT with you, say 'thank you' even the slightest thing you did for them. I am quite looking forward to work almost everyday, at least, at the current stage, I am not feeling lazy till I wanna take leave or fake MC.

Well, to be frank, I will need to work at least another 1.5 years before I can really quit. School report submission is near and I have yet started. Soon soon. Going to sleep soon. Tmr I will had my mac breakfast. Time to pamper myself abit.

Anyway, I wanna buy Ipod Touch and camera lens but I feel like changing my DSLR cos the color that the camera produced dont seems to be rich enough. Hmm.. I wanna buy Canon. Anyway, I wanna sell my Sony A200 at the price of 400 bucks. Anyone interested just tag my my board ok.

Till then, take care peeps.


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